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Port Richmond Community  News

Uncovering Discrimination: A Closer Look at the US Postal Service


Mario Buonviaggio (Vice-Chair) Port Richmond North Shore Alliance addressing issues regarding lack of Mailboxes in Front of Port Richmond Post Office on Port Richmond Avenue
Mario Buonviaggio (Vice-Chair) Port Richmond North Shore Alliance addressing issues regarding lack of Mailboxes in Front of Port Richmond Post Office on Port Richmond Avenue

Discrimination is a pressing issue affecting many organizations in the United States, and the US Postal Service (USPS) is no exception. These concerns raise critical questions about how USPS handles diversity and inclusion. In this post, we will explore the various facets of discrimination within the USPS, shedding light on experiences that highlight this important issue.

Historical Context of USPS and Discrimination

The US Postal Service has a long history, dating back to its establishment in 1775. This history is intertwined with societal changes, including civil rights movements and shifts in public policy.

Documented cases reveal that individuals from marginalized backgrounds have faced unequal treatment in hiring and promotions within USPS. For instance, during the 1970s and 1980s, postal workers of color reported systemic biases that affected their employment opportunities. NOW, the USPS has developed a new way to Discriminate; Lack of Mailboxes for our diverse community particularly people of color and the Hispanic community.

Disparity among deployment of US Mailboxes


This Civic Group conducted a poll using HS Students which is part of our mentoring program, to go to areas of the following zip codes: 10301, 10303, 10310, 10314 and 10302. This task took approximately two months to gather such data/stats. Our volunteers went to various locations and asked the simple question; How do you correspond with family and friends or pay your bills: ONLINE? OR THROUGH MAILINGS.

The results were as follows:

10301, 10303, 10310,10314: 8.5 out of 10 use the internet

10302: 4 out of 10 use the Internet.

The reason provided were Families on other parts of the world simply do not have reliable technology or advance money transfers such as Zelle, Venmo, Apple-Pay or PayPal. Many in our diverse community especially the growing Spanish community, rely on the USPS for communication with their loved one in other parts of the world.

The use of US Mailboxes:

This Civic Association went to the following zip codes (10303-10310-10314-10301) and strategically placed cameras (pictured) at Mailboxes to monitor the activity for 7 days.

These were the results:

10303: 11


10310: 4

10314: 0 that's correct ZERO. We recalibrated the camera for functionality and monitoring another 7 days the results were the same. Yet, each of these zip codes still have their US Mailboxes.

Lack of DATA Provided by US Postal Service

After providing the USPS with our findings they have ignored our request on the return of the US Mailboxes in front of the Post Office in (Port Richmond).

To add, this punitive move is affecting our small businesses along the Port Richmond Commercial Corridor. Operators now have to factor in time to go to the Post Office during Business hours, to mail out important mailings such as invoices, documents, contracts, notices etc.

Moving Forward

Discrimination within the US Postal Service remains a complicated issue shaped by historical context and systemic challenges.

For USPS to serve all communities equitably, it must confront these challenges head-on. Thoughtful initiatives aimed at fostering an inclusive environment can help rebuild trust and guarantee fair treatment for every employee.

As society progresses, organizations like USPS must evolve to embody the values of equity and inclusion. The journey to eliminate discrimination is ongoing, but with focused efforts and dedication, meaningful change is attainable.

ON THIS DAY OF REFLECTION AND REMEMBRANCE (MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY). we experience in our face of the community of PORT RICHMOND and in modern day- DISCRIMINATION from the federal government and a Federal Service Agency. An agency which should provide for ALL in ALL communities.

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