Vincent Maligno
U.S Air Force 1969-1981
Air Force Reserve 1981-1992
Vietnam War
After graduating Xaverian HS in 1963, Vincent Joseph Maligno entered Xaverian Brothers’ Novitiate in Leonardtown Maryland, and received the name Brother Victor C.F.X. He attended Xaverian College in Silver Springs Maryland and Catholic University and served at Xaverian and Nazareth High Schools in Brooklyn and Leonard Hall Academy in Maryland.
After leaving the Xaverian Brothers, Vincent graduated from Manhattan College with a BA in Modern Foreign Languages. At Manhattan College, he was a member of the Air Force ROTC program, the Arnold Air Society, Editor of “The Wingman”, Alpha Phi Delta National Italian Fraternity and the Pan-Hellenic Council.
Vincent entered active duty with the Air Force in July 1969. He graduated from the USAF Security Service Signals Intelligence School at Goodfellow AFB Texas. He was trained to be a Combat Information Control officer on board the EC-121R reconnaissance aircraft McClellan AFB California. He graduated AF Survival School in Fairchild AFB Washington, and completed AF Jungle Survival School at Clark AB Philippines. On his first Vietnam tour, he was assigned to the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing in Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base Thailand and flew 92 combat missions.
At Offutt AFB Nebraska he was selected as the first Drug/Alcohol Control officer assisting military members and their families with issues. He graduated from Squadron Officer School in Maxwell AFB Alabama and Social Actions School in Lakeland AFB Texas, and was assigned to Andersen AFB Guam as the Chief of the Social Actions Office and received credit for a second Vietnam tour. When Saigon fell in 1975 we rescued/housed 6000 Vietnamese refugees.
After duty at Griffiss AFB New York Vincent transferred to Ramstein AB Germany with duty in Nuremberg Germany as the Clinical Director of eleven community counseling centers. Vincent resigned from the service in 1981, but completed service as a Reservist, retiring as a Major in 1993.
While on Guam, Vincent earned a MA in Human Relations from the University of Oklahoma and in Germany, a PhD in Psychology from CULA. His military awards include the Distinguished Flying Cross, Meritorious Service Medal, two Air Medals, Joint Services Commendation Medal, two Air Force Commendation Medals, the Humanitarian Service Medal and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry among others.
Vincent worked as an Operations Manager in Brooklyn. He joined the New York City Board of Education in 1986 and obtained a MSEd in Special Education and a PD in Administration/Supervision from the College of Staten Island. He retired in 2011 as an Assistant Principal. In 2013 he became Principal of Mother Cabrini High School. He was an Adjunct Professor for St. John’s University, Mercy College and the College of Staten Island.
Vincent published a book “John of Divinity” and a movie script “Looking for God”. He is a Life Member Quartermaster for the Andersen-Lagno VFW Post 5090, Historian for the Watkins-Kellett American Legion Post 277, The Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 241 and the Air and Space Force Association, Staten Island Air Liaison Officer for the Air Force Academy and a Trustee for the Sons/Daughters of Italy in America Father Capodanno Lodge 212. Vincent is a certified sports official for the Public School Athletic League and numerous leagues on Staten Island.
Vincent and his wife Amelia were married in 1968. They have six children: Julie was born during his senior year at Manhattan College, Vincent was born while he was in Vietnam; Melissa born in Omaha Nebraska, and Meghan was born in Nuremberg Germany. Lauren and Joseph were born on Staten Island. (Their son Vincent died in 2019 at age 49). Vincent and Amelia have seven grandchildren.
On July 8th 2012 Vincent and Amelia became Xaverian Brothers Associates. They celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary this June 23rd.
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